Loans For Young People

Young people always faced the problem of securing loans from banks because they have no collateral to support their applications.

SEED SIERRA LEONE believes it is about time that we are talking about youth and entrepreneurship to change this situation. By placing some special funds only accessible by young people and their parents/guidances being guarantors. For young people of course soft loans could be the best option.

Thomas Samba is 30 years old with two kids. He dropped out of school after the death of his father during the war. At the end of the war he had to take over as his family's main breadwinner by starting a micro business at an early age. Thomas sells stationary and has used previous loans from SEED SIERRA LEONE to buy more products and developed his business.

With the income from his stationary business, he is able to take care of his kids, wife, mother, and pay his younger sisters' school fees. The previous loans also improved his family's status and standard of living. With future support available Thomas would like to expand his business.

Together we can make the dreams of Thomas to expand his business come true!

Come, let us make it happen!